To The Festival

Interestingly enough, here I am at my local Starbucks rereading my favorite editor's note from Bill Phillips for Men's Health about choosing when to fight (and giving it your all) while trying to put together a blogspot, something of which I've never done before.  Considering the amount of times I've tried saving a template, will definitely not be an easy feat.

Since I was kid I always felt the affinity and passion for fashion and the ability of using it as a means of self expression.  I know, so cliche, but as it turns out, as the industry grows and more youth come to find themselves and accept that fashion is no longer solely a "female-powered" industry and the social stigmas attached to it, I finally took it upon myself to do the things I enjoy, of which includes menswear, taking photos (and blasting them on social media outlets), and maybe, just maybe, get back in the habit of writing.

Festival for le Eyes (something I hope any of you who happen to stumble upon here) is my little ode to a blog that I hope will interest and maybe captivate you readers who also have an affinity for clothing, whether it be in menswear, womenswear, hype, or maybe even my favorite past time, sippin' on that coffee.

There's a festival a brewing, and I hope you all tag along with me.

Henry T.

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